The Good Physicians

This saying above caught my attention. I wondered how correct this observation is.
Also I want to discover in what fields of health care is it most prevalent.

I have had the opportunity to teach groups of doctors, some in the alternative health care field and other in the medical profession. Since, by its nature, alternative health care doctors are in the main concerned about this aspect of health care they appear to be the most caring for their patients. There seems to be an aspect of their care that is no so clinical.

Their care and involvement in the patents lives creates an atmosphere for the patient in which they feel well cared for and nurtured.

Often these health care practitioners, from their experience, learn the ways of healing they most appreciate and then find someone who they would like to emulate.

Some find them when reading and the lucky ones have personal experience with them.

The great healers differ from the good healers because they understand the entire story. Only when we understand the complete story is it possible to be most effective.”

There is a skill which can developed by the healer in order to create an atmosphere where the patient feels “safe” to share their story. It is quite interesting to notice that patients really know what needs to be accomplished for them to heal. It takes a trained ear to listen to them and then follow the recommendations which they offer. It also takes an experienced healer to be able to translate what they are saying and how it relates practically into the world of healing.

Hours of studying and hours of practice are the main factors

Each patient represents a story. That story includes their symptoms, their problems, AND their beliefs.

How do we understand the story? We must develop excellent communication skills and gather the patient’s history in appropriate depth. We must evaluate their situation, listen to their intuitions, and research the credibility of their self-evaluation. Once we collect the appropriate data, we should then use our empathy to understand how we would feel if we were living with their health issues.

Sir William Osler said, “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.

”The great physician understands the patient and the context of the patient's illness.

For you healers, take Osler's challenge:

Be a great healer.
Understand the full story.
Be effective.
Consult the patient in order to design a treatment plan that best fits that patient. Follow the results with consistency and compassion.

By so doing, you will not only be providing the highest quality health care, you will also be living up to the ideals of William Osler and my heroes Deepak Chopra “ The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.” – the greatest physician role models.”

Patients please always let me know how you are feeling. Of course, I want to know your symptoms. In Eastern Medicine symptoms are considered, “ the kindness of the body to inform you on how it is doing.” But I also want to know how your physical symptoms are affecting your daily activities.

I want you to be a full partner in your health care. After all, you will benefit the most!

Thanks, Dr. Marc PS. I wondered what I could to emphatically demonstrate how alternative health care can unquestionably benefit people. I came to this conclusion: I will be the health care provider for many 100-year-old patients whose health and vitality belied their age. I would love you to you to be one? Your friends and family as well.

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